This page will be updated as new questions are highlighted. Please also refer to the news page and the references.
The examination information on the phasing in of new exams refers to the UK curriculum. I am not on a UK training programme. How will I know which exams to complete?
If you are an international candidate, or not on a UK training programme, it is your choice as to how to complete your exams, as long as you can satisfy the eligibility requirements of each exam, which will be provided in the exam regulations. You should be aware that all existing Specialty Membership and Specialty Fellowship exams will cease to run in Spring 2026, Spring 2027 for re-sits. The new Specialty Fellowship exams will begin in Autumn 2026.
If I am to sit the new Dental Specialty Fellowship Exams, will I be required to sit MFDS/MFD prior to doing so?
Yes. MFDS (from any of the three UK Surgical Royal Colleges) or MFD (from RCSI) will be a prerequisite for sitting the new Dental Specialty Fellowship Exams. This will allow continuity of assessment of skills throughout the exam progression.
I am in UK specialty training ST1/2/3 and started before September 2024, will I be required to complete the MFDS /MFD before sitting the existing specialty membership or fellowship examinations?
The MFDS/MFD is a requirement for the new specialty membership exams. You will therefore not be required to complete the MFDS/MFD if you complete your specialty membership or specialty fellowship exams before the last diet available for the older curriculum (pre-September 2024). If you cannot complete your specialty membership or specialty fellowship exams before the last diet you will be required to do your MFDS/MFD.
This includes candidates with additional attempts in hand, and any Trainees in less than full time training.
If you do not complete your specialty membership or specialty fellowship examination before the new curriculum transition period closes, you will need to fulfil the eligibility requirements for the Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations, which will include completion of the MFDS/MFD.
Please refer to your Training Programme Director or the COPDEND transition guidance.
I have begun my studies to sit a Specialty Membership exam, such as M(Morth), M(Paed), etc. Should I continue on this or move to the New Dental Specialty Fellowship Exams?
If you expect to be able to complete your qualification by the end of 2026, then you should continue to complete this. You should build in additional time in case of any re-sits as the existing examinations will cease to run in Spring 2026, Spring 2027 for re-sits. The new examinations will not be available until Autumn 2026.
I hold a specialty membership qualification M(Orth), M(Paed), M(OS). Etc. Am I eligible for the new Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations?
Yes, you are eligible, and can choose to sit this new examination. However, you should also be aware that the Colleges expect to provide routes for existing candidates holding Specialty Membership Examinations to be eligible to apply direct to the College to convert to Fellowship without the need to take this examination. More on this will follow from the College you are affiliated with in the coming months. Please look here for updates as well.
I completed a specialty membership exam and specialty fellowship exam (eg M(Orth) and FDS(Orth)). Do new Trainees receive the same qualification?
Those who complete the new fellowship-level exams will be distinguished by the new post nominals F(Specialty) instead of FDS(Specialty), which are the existing fellowship exam post nominals. Employers and Training Programme Directors in the UK will be aware of the differences between these post-nominals.
I will convert my specialty membership to a specialty fellowship following the offer from my College, what post nominals can I use?
For members who convert their specialty membership to specialty fellowship with their College, the current membership post nominals should be replaced by those shown below:
F(Orth) College
F(Endo) College
F(Perio) College
F(Pros) College
F(Paed Dent) College
F(SCD) College
F(OS) College
F(OM) College
F(RD) College
These post nominals will be confirmed with the new certificate issued by the Colleges.
If you can’t see an answer here to a question that you have, please get in touch at info@dsfe.org.uk